Monday, July 25, 2005

The Difference

I have always felt that a good teacher is inherently a good motivator. In order to be successful in the classroom you must show enthusiasm for what you are teaching. I was recently discussing this with a colleague who happened to disagree. He felt that you could be successful without projecting enthusiasm. Maybe enthusiasm was the wrong word to use. I have thought about this for awhile and have come up with several alternatives. A teacher can demonstrate enthusiasm by...

sharing the JOY of learning.
having a PASSION for science, math, language, etc.
making learning FUN.
showing an APPRECIATION for art, music, literature.
sharing their EXCITEMENT for learning.
demonstrating a CURIOSITY for the world around them.
having an EAGERNESS to learn and grow.
providing HOPE.
creating a STIMULATING learning environment.

Joy, passion, fun, appreciation, excitement, curiosity, optimism, eagerness, hopefulness - these are just a few of the words that describe that special ingredient you'll find in every great teacher.

Enthusiasm can be loud and boisterous, or soft and quiet. It can come across as joy, passion, or curiosity. In the end, it is what motivates students to be lifelong learners. It is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A Crazy Ride

June is over and I am exhausted. My first class with the Teacher Corps was a crazy ride. I never thought I would work so hard and gain so much from the experience. What a joy to work with such bright and motivated young people! The first years kept me on my toes and for this I am thankful. I feel I did my best and look forward to making neccessary adjustments for next summer. Yes, Ben, I am hooked. I guess you could say I am "hard core" for the Teacher Corps. Corny, I know.
A special thanks to Ben for answering my many questions, helping out when needed, offering emotional support (especially after reading the first blog entries) and being a genuinely likable guy. Also, a thank you to Germain for trusting that I would do a decent job.
I look forward to visiting the first years in the fall. New teachers in action - this is what I've been waiting for.