Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A Crazy Ride

June is over and I am exhausted. My first class with the Teacher Corps was a crazy ride. I never thought I would work so hard and gain so much from the experience. What a joy to work with such bright and motivated young people! The first years kept me on my toes and for this I am thankful. I feel I did my best and look forward to making neccessary adjustments for next summer. Yes, Ben, I am hooked. I guess you could say I am "hard core" for the Teacher Corps. Corny, I know.
A special thanks to Ben for answering my many questions, helping out when needed, offering emotional support (especially after reading the first blog entries) and being a genuinely likable guy. Also, a thank you to Germain for trusting that I would do a decent job.
I look forward to visiting the first years in the fall. New teachers in action - this is what I've been waiting for.


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